It is best to love wisely, no doubt: but to love foolishly is better than not to be able to love at all.
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Ibu susu #part 1
Aku called balik kak nor, dalam hati dah start berdebar, ni confirm pasal anak-anak aku..tak nesha , dhani… tapi tak mungkin nesha.. pagi tadi masa aku hantar ok je princess tuh!
Aku : assalamualaikum? Ha kak Nor, nape ek?
Kak nor : (gelak-gelak kecik) ha yan, ni ha..dhani ni ngamuk2 tak nak minum susu…
Aku: (alamak) ha dhani tak nak minum susu, susu yg saya tapau tu ke? (susu badan)
Kak nor: dua-dua dia tak nak yan…. Puas da kak nor bagi… mengamuk2 dia… dari yan
Hantar pagi tadi…sampai sekang ni dia blom tidur gi nih. Masuk buai tak nak…
Mata dah pejam2 dah..tapi susu disembur2 nyer…
Aku: alahai dhani, nak wat camne ni ha???
Kak nor : yan dekat umah mmg bagi susu badan je ke? Tak bagi botol? Ni dia dah pandai la nih pilih… rase susu mama dia lagi sedap…
Kak nor tgh pangku dia atas riba, kak nor bagi susu badan kak nor cepat je dia nyonyot, mata nk pejam tapi kak nor cepat2 tarik ganti ngan botol… terus dia ngamuk balik… sunguh2 dia tak nak susu tepung nih…
Aku: ha????? Susu badan kak nor???
Alamak dah jadi ibu susu lak kak nor ni tuk dhani… ya Allah…Dhani..dhani ape yg awak nak mama buat lagi nih… nak suh mama quit ke sayang, nak suh mama duk rumah jaga awak ngan kakak ke???
Ya Allah hebat betul dugaan yg ko bagi kat aku, tabahkan lah hati aku ya Allah… jangan lah ko biar aku mengalah ngan keadaan ini.
Hati aku pas received call kak nor tuh , memang dah tak tenteram, dah melayang-layang dah kepala aku nih.. hati tu rase nak cabut je lepas lunch hour…
Aku call Fuad suh dia balik tengah hari kang tengok2 kan anak bujang dia tuh… kemain manje lak kekdahnyer! Sampai minum susu pengasuh… big case dah nih!!!
Aku tak sure how much dhani take from kak nor nyer breast feed tapi aku nyer risau memang dah tahap tak leh blah dah nih… keje yg ala-ala mula nak melambak ni aku tengok ngan muka tensen jek…
Dhani…oh dhani… jangan lah buat mama cemnih sayang oi…
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Losing Hair
sound like a serious cry for help....but my chronicle of loosing hair is no joke.
recently i notice that im losing my hair greater rate than normal, the hair is significantly thinner than ever and also dry and damages. gosh!
Fuad is extreamly out of patience when saw hairs on the floor plus to wipe the floor more frequent not to forget in bathroom also... hairs on the floor trap, in wash basin in everywhere lah senang cakap.
everytime i put my fingers through my hairs a big clumps came out at once and my hairbrush full filling with nothing but hairs!
i've experinced this before after a few months giving birth of nesya, and the solution is, i cut my hair.. so for now its happen again few months after dhani is delivered so again i've to cut my hair, dah bile nyer nak berambut panjang... huh that was so called 'postpartum'.
When you are pregnant, however, estrogen prolongs growth and those 200 hairs you'd be losing are put into the growth phase and very little hair is resting or shedding. This is why so many women who are pregnant have that thick, gorgeous mane.
After giving birth, your estrogen levels start to return to normal and so you start losing hair again. All that "extra" hair that was growing goes into the resting phase for a few months and then suddenly you are shedding all those hairs.
So, it's not that you are losing more hair than normal, it means that you haven't been losing hair like this for a year, and when it comes on again, it feels like you might go bald if it doesn't stop soon.
Don't fear, though. You will lose your thick pregnancy locks, but your hair will only return to its pre-pregnant state. Unless you are still losing more than 200 hairs per day (remember, they are constantly being replaced) there is no need to worry.
If you feel like you are losing more hair than this after your baby is about a year old, then talk to your physician to see if there might be another issue causing your hair loss.
Hair loss like this is likely to occur with each pregnancy and is more noticable in women with longer hair.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
takde lah lapar cume dahaga....
apa nak buka petang ni ek?
carik resepi la...huhuuh
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Bluweekk Weekend
Mr. fuad off for family day! yurcks!
kalo dah pegi sowang tu mean 'bujang day' ler...
malas nk hekoot sebab pi Bukit Merah Lake Town je pun... dah muak !
tapi jeles lah.... fuad ni asyik bejalan jer.... haku asyik duk jaga anak jer...aku pun nak pi holiday gak!
"i need holiday"
Thursday, 24 July 2008
s.a.l.e like crazeyyyyy
berdentum dentam email masuk bagitau venue sales yg sedang berlangsung... and the bestest ever ialah J-Card day special, only 1 day.. but makhluk yang mai... duhhh giler ramai , rase macam seluruh rakyat negeri selangor berkumpul kat Mid jek kekdahnyer....
arini gak Ikea dah start sale... start 24July end 17August (besday haku nih!) sale ni mmg aku and fuad tunggu2, sebab kitorang plan nk beli sikit2 barang tuk persediaan ke rumah baru....
memandangkan rumah kitorang style "mat salleh" umah kecik lah kan... so interior yg sesuai mmg yg ade kat showroom ikea...huhuhu

budget tu takle banyak cume nak beli barang cam lighting, curtain rail...small2 iteam jek. yelah money is the biggest constrain, sekarang ni kan dasar penjimatan.. so beli time sale leh jimat skit duit.

tuggu akan ku serbu yg OU nyer kedai.
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Projek Malam...
"mi, ape pojek malam ni? pojek makan-makan" - mr. fuad
ungakapan biasa fuad bile col aku ate rembang2 petang waktu kul 5.00 ptg. time nak balik opis la ni... dia dah siap2 tanye ape nak makan malam nih, yelah haku ni kan cretive org nyer... hahahaha
aku sure fuad suka every food yg aku serve, tu pasal setiap hari teringat akan aku, kan hengat makan. haiyak! bak kata org tua-tua, kalo nak ikat suami kita, ikat lah 'tang perut nyer! huhuhu mean makan minum dia lah.
arinih hengat cam nk masak sotong, semalam beli kt pasar malam kt prima damansara, tu ler tgh pikiaq nk masak menu pe sotong tuh... maybe goreng style kut sbb sambal aritu baru jer buat... kang menyampah lak fuad asyik2 sambal.
semalam aku masak simple jer due to my sore throat yg agak cronical, aku goreng ikan cicah ngan air asam and tempe goreng ngan bilis, simple kan! but how suprise fuad enjoy the food, so do with chaca... hehehe fuad tambah nasik tuh!
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
Lovey Dovey
skang ni aku ngan fuad, kalo pi memane tak bawak chaca mmg tak sah... mean tak meriah lah, sebab chaca nih happening mulut dia cam mama le kut! chaca walaupun umur 2 tahun tapi 'vocab' dia banyak dah... memacam dia tau cakap... kadang gelak2 jer aku dengar dia borak.
dia gak ade satu perangai pelik, suka main sorang2... kak nor yang jaga dia pun cakap yg chaca ni tak kaco org, dia suka main sorang sambil gentel bantal busyuk dia ... she's kind of bantal busuk hahahahah... yg ni tak tau ikut perangai sapa??? i bet its from fuad...
Chaca like barneys, kalo layan barney tu ulang2 smpai berkali2 pun tak pe... tapi aku tak esah aku tetap belikan cd baru tuk dia, sbb dia kind of belajar lah bile tgk barney.. pandai nyayi and learb gud manners.. tahniah!!!!
Anak mama nih quite bossy (dis also i bet from papa!) sume kene iku ckp dia, kadang2 aku layan kan jer , tapi kadang2 pelepik aku bg kt kaki dia... syian nati majuk anak mama nih...
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Hepi 3 mons old Dhani.
Alhamdullilah Dhani dah masuk 3 bulan dan he is full recovery from the Colic, kalo tak , sebelum ni, every night is the toughest night and felt like longest night.
Mane taknyer ambik je dari rumah baby sitter, bawak balik umah dah mula meragam, nak tidor tapi melalak… masuk buai pun keluar balik sebab nangis cam hestria
Lepas jumpe Dr. Rozaidah (Pusrawi ) baru tau Dhani ni Colic yang amat, tu pasal condition dia makin hari makin teruk… yelah angin dah banyak sgt sampai stomach cramp le kut, tu yang masuk time2 kul 2 pagi dia makin melalak2 kekdahnyer.
As a mother… im act like I know everything about my child.. but actually I know ‘zero’, every time after solat I pray to Allah to show me the way, and my lil’ sis thought me a surah, which I have to recite repeatly.,by recite the surah berulang2, Insyallah Dia akan lead us to the solution e:g, if sumone meant to black magic us like tanam barang, so by recite the surah dgn yakin dan bertawakkal, Allah akan give us sign,/instinct where the barang was hiding…so on la.
I amalkan recite the surah byk2 kali… and Im so convince that yg lead me to find the solution through internet.. I made lots of review and research by reading most of article bout handling a colic baby… and the result is Alhamdulillah now Dhani is getting better.
tulah as my mum said, "budak lelaki ni jaga dia nak kene rajin, tuam , urut"
here some info, taken from internet:-
What is colic?
All babies cry, but sometimes a baby will cry for hours at a time, no matter what you do. This extreme type of crying in a baby between 3 weeks and 3 months of age is called colic. Although it is upsetting for parents and caregivers, colic is normal for some babies.
Doctors usually diagnose colic when a healthy baby cries harder than expected in a "3" pattern: more than 3 hours a day at least 3 days a week for at least 3 weeks in a row. Colic is usually worst when babies are around 6 to 8 weeks of age and goes away on its own between 8 and 14 weeks of age.
It is common to feel scared, upset, or frustrated when you cannot get your baby to stop crying. But remember that colic is normal-and temporary. Your baby will grow out of it.
What causes colic?
Doctors are not sure what causes colic, but it may be the result of a baby's sensitive temperament and an immature nervous system. These things may make a baby cry easily and have trouble stopping. As babies grow and develop, they are better able to control their crying.
Colic is not related to health conditions, such as digestion problems. But having gas in the belly can make crying worse.
Colic is not caused by pain or illness. If you think your baby is crying because he or she is hurt or sick, call your doctor.
Colic is not your fault or your baby’s fault. It doesn't mean that you are a bad parent or that anything is wrong with your baby.
What are the symptoms?
Most babies will cry less when they are held, fed, and given attention. These things may not work for babies who have colic. When they are crying, they may clench their fists and stiffen their stomach and legs. Some babies arch their back, while others pull up their legs to their stomach.
Vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or blood or mucus in the stool is not a symptom of colic. If your baby has any of these symptoms, he or she needs to be checked by a doctor.
How is colic diagnosed?
If you are worried about your baby's crying, see your doctor or talk about it at your baby's next routine checkup. To make sure that crying is colic, your doctor may do a physical exam and ask you about your baby's past health, what comforting techniques you have tried, and whether you have noticed any other symptoms. You may also be asked about how the crying affects you and to show how you burp your baby. Your doctor may suggest that you keep track of when and how often your baby cries.
If your baby has any symptoms that worry you, such as vomiting or a fever, your doctor may do lab tests or X-rays to find out what is causing them.
What can you do about colic?
It may help to see if there is a pattern to your baby’s crying. Many babies cry most in the late afternoon and evening hours. If you notice that your baby cries at certain times of day, you can try holding your baby more before those times. But during expected fussy times, limit visitors, keep noise and lights low, and touch your baby only if needed.
After crying starts, try rocking your baby in a quiet room, or take him or her out for a walk in a front-pack carrier or stroller. Some babies are soothed by riding in a car or listening to a droning sound, like a fan or a clothes dryer.
Do what you can to comfort your baby, but accept that sometimes nothing works. If you feel stressed or worn out, ask a friend or family member to give you a break. Take good care of yourself, and remember that colic will go away soon.
Friday, 18 July 2008
Back Again
Refer to very last post aritukan, aku dah give up sebab dah 'ter'overdue lama sangat, pastu orang dok tanye2..."eh! la tak meletup lagi?" tu yang pastu aku cam concentrate to my pregnancy, real focus to every inch movement. Malaslah nak hengat lagi.... tapi Alhamdulillah manage to deliver normal as i wish and pray....., and aku rase tu lah moment paling berani yg pernah aku buat and decide to go through .....(same lah cam org len kan!)
So far life is getting better but not inclusive lah ngan kenaikan harga petrol tuh...(this is suck!), that one 'off topic' sebab kang sound hypocrite, yelah nothing change that much...sebab aku still can't kerb my spending as well lelagi kalo ade kaitan ngan my child.
Skang ni lak tengah musim 'Karnival Sale' haiyaiii mamposs... susah nak mengawal nafsu, sib baik kemaraan menyoping ini boleh dibendung ngan income yg ciput, dah waktu bekerja yang berakhir pada pukul 5, so susah lah nk pi melahu huhuhu! and plus aku nih keje sabtu, lagi lah time tu kureng skit nk ku abihkan ke shopping2 mall... so ari soping2 adalah ari Ahad jek!
nanti nak wat posting pasal my new member in family... he's the one yg buat aku tidur tak cukupin.... haiyak! tapi apa2 pun aku sangat bahagia ngan kedua-dua anak aku tuh...
muahhhh muahhh muahhhh ! cam lagu "pocket full of sunshine" le gamaknyer!