It is best to love wisely, no doubt: but to love foolishly is better than not to be able to love at all.
Thursday, 10 April 2008
overdue blues
masuk ari ni dah 3 ari aku overdue from my expected EDD which is on 7 April 2008. Sampai la ni aku tak rase ape2 contraction pon , aku sgt worried bout baby in womb sebab anything could happens bila dah ter'overdue' camni, my family and friends keep calling everyday especially my sister, tanye dah ke blom??? kalo dah tak kan tak bagitahu kot....
pressure gak cemni serabut pale fikir baby ok ke ???? hopefully dia sihat kat dalam tak berlaku ape2 problems inside such as tebelit ke, makan najis ke ape2 lah... semoga Allah pelihara baby dalam perut mama ni.... even dis is my second time tapi kerisauanyan lebih lagi.... i don care if i had to face c-section again... lantak lah as long as my baby safe and healthy.
Tatau dah nak buat camne, aku ade rase skit frustrating , yelah penantian kan suatu penyiksaan, and due to my belly yang dah besar sgt and full aku terasa sgt mengah... susah nak dapat tidur yang lena, grrrr baby come out and play lah , mama and papa dah tak sabar tunggu my lil hero nih, ya Allah permudahkan lah....
if this thing berterusan aku akan surely induce on 13 April, mean this sunday...or else another c-section and sure aku akan admitted to ward for about 3-4 ari... ya Allah kalo leh takmo tinggalkan Nesya lelame ngan org...x sanggup lah....