my lil princess quit cute and adorable... kalo kenal budak kecik nih she really kinda makcik2... menggomel jek... byk sgt cakap nyer macam orang tua aka cam mak nenek....
tapi kalo x kenal dia ni agak pendiam dan suke nyorok bawah kaki mak dia... tp suke noo kalo nk becakap tuh bisik..... soooo gurldix....
kalau papa dia tukar nyer chanel sports... muler lah dia melopongggg " tak besh la........"
this coming February is her birthday... and this lil' princess ade her own wishlist... tgk ler budak skang... pandai sgt . Pastu pulak ari2 remind mak pak nyer suh beli... like "nanti beli ye ma!"
and wishlist dis lil girl was......

pink bicycle+ training wheel
papa tgh consider this thing and fortunately we all nk pindah rumah which ade compound tuk main and gardening sooo maybe papa will grant you this..........
tapi mama will consider this sbb murah hehehe
and b.t.w she's taking this picture on her own tau amek dr watson catalogue... haihhh
aku pun tatau la perangai sapa yg byk mempengaruhi minah ni... sbb me my self mase kecik so tomboish.. and brutal and sampai skng pun i dun wear make-up a lot and bergaya a lot and also camera shy tapi this girl mmg lah so different dgn mama and papa nyer... shes is sooo herself... or maybe shes more like my sister yg suke bergaya ..... kut sister wear make up since tingkat 4... mngkin kut.. newey i dun mind sgt sbb shes mmg girl kan...
1 comment:
wah pandai bergaya la princess ni..
and of course high demanding.. hihi
siap leh snap pic from watson catalogue tuk mummy dia tgk yang tak tahan tu..
bijak budak skarang kan. :)
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